Marilyn Ashbaugh
Born 1954, South Bend, Indiana, USA
Current residences: Edwardsburg, Michigan, USA; Gulfstream, Florida, USA
Marilyn Ashbaugh is a poet, organic master gardener, and nature photographer. She makes her summer home in a small village near the shores of Lake Michigan, USA.
For biographical information on Marilyn Ashbaugh, see the Haikupedia article:
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four petals unwind
releasing a pink path stream
flowering dogwood
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frost flower
how vulnerable I feel
when asked to explain
Modern Haiku 48.2, Summer 2017
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picking apples
the expectations
I can’t reach
Modern Haiku 48.1, Winter-Spring 2017
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a soft silence
walks me home
Blithe Spirit, 27.1 February, 2017
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forest fire
ash settles
in a shoe
Presence 59, November 2017
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fall colors
we take our differences
on a long walk
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orchard at dusk
she inspects the branches
for baby bumps
cherry blossom light, Yuki Teikei Membership Anthology, 2016