Robyn Hood Black
Robyn Hood Black makes poems and art in the balmy South Carolina Lowcountry of the US. Her haiku appear in several journals and anthologies. A children’s book author, her published works include fiction, nonfiction, and many poems in anthologies and magazines.
Born 1963 in Knoxville, Tennessee, USA
Living in Beaufort, South Carolina, USA &
robin's egg blue
how my father would have loved
my son
Acorn No. 29, Fall 2012
Write Like Issa, David G. Lanoue,, 2017
wedding invitations
the press and release
of the nib
Third Honorable Mention, Haiku Society of America Harold G. Henderson Haiku Awards
dust devils – The Red Moon Anthology of English-Language Haiku, 2016, Red Moon Press
following me
eyes of the ones
I didn’t stop for
Every Chicken, Cow, Fish and Frog - Animal Rights Haiku,
(ed. Robert Epstein and Miriam Wald), Middle Island Press, 2016