James G. Brueggemann
Born: Austin, Texas USA (1942)
Current: Mount Pleasant, South Carolina USA
Born into a Wisconsin pastor’s family, he became a physician, practicing in Duluth, Minnesota for 26 years. His haiku, personal essays and poetry have been published in literary and medical journals since 1979. After the Night Rain, a haiku collection, was published in 2014. He blogs weekly since 2018.
Blog: http://www.jamesbrueggemann.com
Snow whistling
In rows across the road –
My mother’s hair
Dragonfly 14.1, Winter 1985-86
City winter –
Dried sidewalk salt
Far from home
An Anthology of Haiku by People of the United States and Canada. Japan Air Lines 1988
Spring morning after church
A nun reads Sunday comics –
Black habit quivers
Leanfrog Newsletter JAN/FEB/MAR/APR 1980
Under his bed,
Just for the hospital –
New slippers
Modern Haiku XVIII.2, Summer 1987
His IV being hung –
Rain on the window
Modern Haiku XVIII.2, Summer 1987
On the nursing desk
In Intensive Care –
Fudge brownies
Modern Haiku XVIII.2, Summer 1987
Cleaning out old leaves
From under cedar bushes
The rake scratches ice
Dragonfly 13.2, Summer 1985
First spring lawnmower
Droning busily outside
Cutting dandelions
Leanfrog Newsletter JAN/FEB/MAR/APR 1980
The crabapple tree
Shedding blossoms
On two yards
Modern Haiku XVII.1, Winter-Spring 1986
Turning away from
The sick woman’s bedside –
Wild iris in a cup
Modern Haiku XIV.1, Winter-Spring 1983
After the night rain
Crickets’ conversations seem
Louder than before
Dragonfly 12.2, April 1984
Cornfield cicadas
Shrilling in the humid breeze –
Rough leaves rattle
Dragonfly 14.1, Winter 1985-86
The feeling
Perhaps we know each other
Just never met
Leanfrog IV.1, Winter, 1981