Dawn Bruce
Living in Sydney, Australia
Contact the poet
wintry days
her old heart
well shuttered
Frogpond 35:3 2012
tumbles across the sky
baby's laughter
Kokako 17 September 2012
raked garden
thoughts circle
upon circle
Kokako 16 April 2012
under a crescent moon curve of her back
Evening Breeze , an anthology from the inaugural Janice Bostok Haiku award 2012
a flow of shadows
along the river
equal first prize, moonrise and bare hills, Jack Stamm haiku anthology 2010
rose tinted sky ...
with blue-tipped fingers
a busker plays his flute
Paper Wasp Vol 18,No. 3, Spring 2012
village tea-room ...
the lean
of dried flowers
Paper Wasp Vol 18, No.3, Spring 2012
midnight silence
the carousel horses
FreeXpresSion Vol. XIX-Issue No.5 May 2012
cold morning
the clatter of tea cups
into their silence
Acorn, No.27 Fall 2011
white cranes
across the sunset ...
a long way to nightfall
Presence 44 June 2011
pearly grey dawn
my new year resolution
in a magpie's song
tree-lined stream, Jack Stamm haiku anthology 2011
summer sands
shadows gathered
in heels marks
Ambrosia, Issue 5 summer 2010
the flutter
of two yellow moths
sunlit weeds
Magnapoets, issue 9,January 2012
another morning
the sparkle of dewdrops
on burnt stubble
Presence ,#43 January 2011
devour the seedlings
moon-silver path
Shamrock, No.18, 2011