Pamela Cooper
Pamela Cooper
arriving late-
the others’ footprints
Close to the Wind, HNA Anthology 2013
twilight moon-
a hole in the chestnut
fills with stars
HC Members’ Anthology 2013
late harvest-
picking apples
from the tree’s shadow
Matrix Magazine issue 88: Zen Poetry
hanami picnic-
more blossoms
than sky
Best in Canada VCBF Haiku Invitational 2011
behind tall cornfields
the autumn sun
how soon it sets!
Honourable Mention Mainichi 2009
grapefruit harvest-
the morning sun
left dangling
Honourable Mention Betty Drevniok Award 2012
a raindrop strikes
the bell’s reflection-
surface ripples
ocean floor-
a stingray lifts
the turtle’s shadow
Pink Lake-
a leaf falls into
the colour of dawn
Regional Haiku, HNA 2013
hanging laundry-
my shadow
blows away
Holographic Anthology, Haiku Canada 2013
in the blown out tire
a piece of sky
still pond-
the touch
of a feather’s shadow
nobody home…
on the front porch
fallen maple keys
a branch quivers
in this summer heat-
distant birdsong
migrating geese-
from which cloud
this stray snowflake?