Tom Clausen
Born 1951 in Ithaca, New York, USA
Living in Ithaca, New York, USA
sidewalk sale-
wind twists a lifetime
guarantee tag
taking me back...
water laps gently
at the shore
Dim Sum
our turn
to stand here-
falls overlook
mountain brook-
the indistinguishable spring
of voices
in the garden
sitting alone-
who i am now
Dim Sum
in the dark
through the window light
my wife and child
Modern Haiku
the spider centered
in its web
Dim Sum
long wait alone
in the parking lot...
a dog in the next car
Raw Nervz
on the way home
more geese
on the way home
returning the water
from the vase
to the flower garden
Dim Sum
letting her
walk all over me
- ladybug
bottle rockets
potluck luncheon
a yellow jacket cleans
its antennae
Dim Sum
the cat's eyes
so wide...
for a gnat
HN 2001 Members Anthology
in the cold rain
their snow fort
the way
rain takes
the mountain
Ducks riding the lake
brushed rough by wind;
pilings rimed with ice
Modern Haiku 1988
giving back
each breath
Brussels Sprout v.XI : no.1 Jan. 1994
lunch alone
without a book
i read my mind
Brussels Sprout v.XI : no.1 Jan. 1994
to the zendo to sit
Brussels Sprout v.XI : no.2 May 1994
rubber duck alone
in the empty tub
Haiku Quarterly summer 1994
on the trail again...
walking deeper
into myself
Frogpond summer 1994
autumn moonlight
folded in
the clothes on the floor
Modern Haiku summer 1994
the way
the light bulb rests
in the rest of the trash
Modern Haiku fall 1994
day break-
from the bread truck's roof
frost swirls
Woodnotes #25
one tree
one bird, one song
the dusk
Frogpond 1995
x-ray room
they remove
her crucifix
Modern Haiku fall 1995
alone in the waiting room
checking the plant
for reality
Woodnotes 1996