Anna Cates
sunlight gleaming through
a fish bowl of beach glass
remembering waves
desert places
where Jesus cursed
a fig tree
Poetry Quarterly 22 (2015) & The Meaning of Life (Cyberwit Press 2015)
wandering gull
shadowy evening shaking
the sea farther away
spring dream
the flower bucket
full of rain
willow thicket
beside the old strip mine
a flycatcher calls
50 haikus 8 (2015) & The Meaning of Life (Cyberwit Press 2015)
pushing up
through misty dawn
whistles of grass
scent of spring rain
the purple alliums
wind tottering
today’s news
a bitter seed
in a grapefruit slice
Ginyu 67 (20 July 2015) & The Meaning of Life (Cyberwit Press 2015)
cloudless sky
mystery valentine
in the mailbox
the cosmos
open with rain—
Three Line Poetry 33 (2015)
flea market
a wooden Indian
missing war paint
Sonic Boom 3 (August 2015)
heat of the day
fattening on the sidewalk
my shadow
fresh scents
honey bee wild flowers
buzzing, buzzing
county fair
a taste of elephant ears
beside the blue tent
I upset a little soil
tomato planting
passion or hate
a fashionable pastime
49 bottles of beer . . .
Ink Sweat and Tears (August 2015)
brook song
the forsythia’s
first yellow buds
at the muddy end
of a walking stick
wild oats
Hedgerow 42 (August 14, 2015)
winter sunset
the old Bing Crosby songs
Dad used to sing
Hedgerow 43 (August 14, 2015)
thrift store scent
a mint green shirt
missing buttons
Hedgerow 44 (August 14, 2015)
power outage
only the crickets
Hedgerow 48 (Sept 16, 2015)
yellow-billed cuckoo
weaving song
into summer sunlight
lonely dawn
a hoodie on a park bench
wet with dew
Hedgerow 51 (Oct 17, 2015)
just because
cold beach
at 3:00 a.m.
Hedgerow 52 (Oct 24, 2015)
woodland shade
a fawn’s lips poised
over red berries
Hedgerow 55 (Nov 14, 2015)
déjà vu
tiny whorls
of starlight
Asahi Haikuist Network (Summer August 21, 2015)
muted neighs—
the country fair scent
of corn dogs
Heron’s Nest (September 2015)
October twilight
white pines fogged with lake water
a distant chain saw
Haiku Journal 39 (2015)
peppermint gum—
beneath a pink sky
the fallen sun
“Behind the Tree Line,” Wild Plum Journal (Fall/Winter 2015)
slowly descending
a black speck unfolds
its legs
Indian Kukai (Sept 21, 2015)
peace moon
the milky taste
of saffron rice
European Quarterly Kukai (Sept 18, 2015)
acorn seedling
thrusting through damp loam—
wood thrush
Mainichi (Sept 18, 2015)
apple moon
in swirling starlight
cider scents
muggy dusk
hidden in cattails
frog song
Cattails (September 2015)
wet rock
stranded at low tide
a spotted octopus
Modern Haiku 46:3 (Autumn 2015)
white pines
a moose hovers over
the reflective murk
Asahi Haikuist Network (October 2015)
summer sunrise
a neighbor feeds chickens
beside the white pine
purple verbena:
shrine to the wisdom
of bees
heat wave
bird droppings
on the mailbox
Ginyu 68 (October 20, 2015)
dark pearl
the wet tongue
of an oyster
Frogpond 38.3 (Autumn 2015)
red rock
tumbleweeds roll
the cloudless sky
Atlas Poetica 23 (Autumn 2015)
mulberry leaves
evening rain soaking
cricket song
Shamrock 32 (2015)
moonless sky—
on the dark street
a lighter flicks on a face
A Hundred Gourds (Dec 2015)
barren limbs
above wet gravestones
a dirge of crows
small claim
the court house
shaded by oaks
Three Line Poetry 35 (2015)
cold window
black coffee
& tax forms
Indian Kukai (2015)
Amazon steals—
an empty Simon & Garfunkel
CD case
Sonic Boom (December 2015)
earth rhythms
the crickets serenading
a full moon
World Haiku Review (June 2015)
the sound of wings
made of air
spring breeze
the rainbow colors
of bird songs
Under the Basho (2015)
sickle moon
merlin wing beats stir
summer starlight
European Quarterly Kukai (Dec 2015)
Christmas lights
I put the shadows
behind me
First place winner, Caribbean Kigo Kukai (Dec 2015)
orange leaves
the old barn sags
into its boards
Acorn: A Journal of Contemporary Haiku; Spring, 2012: 26
purple sky—
slicing the wind,
a boomerang of geese
Shamrock Haiku Journal; June, 2013
first date . . .
on the porch swing the fog creeps
closer, closer
Modern Haiku 44.3; Fall, 2013
forgetting myself . . .
cherry blossoms
in the wind
Frogpond 37.2; Spring/Summer, 2014: 14
trailer park yard sale love songs of Elton John
Under the Basho; April, 2015
endless summer driving the pinwheels half crazy
Under the Basho; April, 2015
blizzard after—
adding tempeh to my shopping list
Lyrical Passion; 2015
that bitch side of me—
expired coupons, pesticide potatoes . . .
Lyrical Passion; 2015
Mom’s Depends hidden
beneath pink grapefruit
Lyrical Passion; 2015
crazy leaves
on All Hallow's Eve
I gut a pumpkin
Cattails; May, 2015
spring rain
anglers on the sidewalk
loop their way home
Asahi Haikuist Network; May, 2015
after rains
an orange beak noodles up
an angle worm
Asahi Haikuist Network; May, 2015
pink dogwood a lucky penny in the grass
Asahi Haikuist Network; May, 2015
old barn
the scent of jerseys
and bailer twine
Heron’s Nest; June, 2015
August heat—
cracked dirt in the shape
of a puddle
Heron’s Nest; June, 2015
my eye just missing
the splash of a frog
Mainichi; May 30, 2015
Taj Mahal Review No. 14.1; June, 2015
winter thaw
the snowman's lopsided eyes
peer my way
Taj Mahal Review No. 14.1; June, 2015
bright sun after storms
rain drops
on the collard greens
Taj Mahal Review No. 14.1; June, 2015
spring breeze
cherry blossoms
holding on
Taj Mahal Review No. 14.1; June, 2015
muted moos—
county fair aromas
of kettle corn
Taj Mahal Review No. 14.1; June, 2015
rustling features
bird seed crumbs
in the snow
Taj Mahal Review No. 14.1; June, 2015
muddy bike trail
a wood chuck diving
into shadow
Taj Mahal Review No. 14.1; June, 2015
April rain
a stray Tom drinks
from a fresh puddle
Taj Mahal Review No. 14.1; June, 2015
October apples
I toss away
another core
Taj Mahal Review No. 14.1; June, 2015
first colors
red tulips
glinting with dew
Taj Mahal Review No. 14.1; June, 2015
scent of fresh cut grass
beheaded dandelion
oozing bitter white
Haiku Journal 36; April, 2015
the encroaching night
eating a lamppost's shadow
a stranger, smoking
Haiku Journal 36; April, 2015
the tree's silver bark
shining in the moonlit dark
nighttime is talking
Haiku Journal 37; June, 2015
pink sky in April
tangled in honeysuckle
hummingbird’s delight
Haiku Journal 37; June, 2015
September sunset—
winding into forever
the bucolic roads
Haiku Journal 37; June, 2015
cold cemetery—
a flurry of whippoorwills
water-washed tombstones
Haiku Journal 37; June, 2015
gushing brook water
alive with shifting shadows
half minnows half light
Haiku Journal 38; 2015
sting of sleet a moss-covered a grave stone (June 8)
May dandelions open to the fatness of bumblebees (June 9)
so in style the way a dogwood blooms (June 10)
walking through spring a boy likes my sneakers (June 11)
library book sale the poems of William Blake (June 12)
7X20; June 8-12, 2015
purple sky
movements beneath moles holes
what the stray cat knows
Hedgerow No. 33; June, 2015
after rains—
blue jay jive in the bird bath
cumulus clouds
Hedgerow No. 33; June, 2015
August eve
long green sunlight
creeps along the grass
Hedgerow No. 33; June, 2015
saturnine sunrise coffee cup half full of dreams
Frogpond 38:2; Spring/Summer, 2015
in dappled shade
beneath white dogwood bracts
a warbler worming
Three Line Poetry 32; 2015
crisp October—
I toss away
an apple core
Presence 52; 2015: 31
ashen sky
I bypass
a black hearse
50 haikus 1.7; 2015
county fair . . .
cumulus clouds of cotton candy
corn dog (99) scents
50 haikus 1.7; 2015
Lumber jacks saw logs
As girls toy with paper dolls
Sugar cookies rise
Skyline Magazine 1.1; March-May, 2007
Gemeinschaft: Poems for the Common Good; Scars Publications, 2003
Maidens kiss a frog
Hoping for a dashing prince
Amusing owls
Skyline Magazine 1.1; March-May, 2007
Gemeinschaft: Poems for the Common Good; Scars Publications, 2003
In woods with growls
Little flowers pine for light
Salamanders crawl
Skyline Magazine 1.1; March-May, 2007
Gemeinschaft: Poems for the Common Good; Scars Publications, 2003