Paul Chambers
Born 1986 in Newport, Wales
Living in Newport, Wales
Contact the poet
quieter now
than before it came
first snow
Frogpond (Issue #36.1)
summer dusk
girls chalk their shadows
on the new tar
Bottle Rockets (Issue #29, August 2013)
winter moon
downstream a duck breaks
from the water
Heron’s Nest (Issue #15.4, December 2013)
winter crow
an eyelash
on your pillow
Modern Haiku (Issue #45.1, Spring 2014)
a gull drifts
beyond the hill
summer deepens
Blithe Spirit (Issue #24.2, May 2014)
burnt autumn sky
the fold
of a shot deer
Blithe Spirit (Issue #24.2, May 2014)
fierce autumn wind
the spider holds the crane fly
Modern Haiku (Issue #45.3, October 2014)
rusted rail track
fading slowly
early snow
Acorn (Issue #33, Fall 2014)
through the eye
of the hare’s skull
yellow grass
Presence (Issue #51 November, 2014)
first dusk stars
a gull’s wing tips
holding light
Presence (Issue #51 November, 2014)
each leaf
the sparrow brushes
Blithe Spirit (Issue #24.4)
a wasp caught
in the net curtain
distant thunder
Shamrock (Issue #29, September 2014)
sharing the bath
the rippling
of a dead star
Bottlerockets (Issue #33, August 2015)
winter fields
the caw of a crow
breaks in the mist
Asahi Shimbun (12 December 2014)
overnight train
a handprint smears
the moon
Mayfly (Issue #58, Spring 2015)
heat shimmer
the first blooming
railroad flowers
Asahi Shimbun (February 20 2015)
falling star
silence follows
Blithe Spirit (Issue #25.2, May 2015)
early sun
the mist pulls away
from the river
Modern Haiku (Issue #46.2)
evening breeze
the sun clutching
thistle blooms
A Hundred Gourds (Issue #4.3 June 2015)
autumn dusk
a cormorant sets down
on its shadow
Presence (Issue #52 Summer 2015)
drizzling rain
my reflection
in the hearse
Heron’s Nest (Issue #27.2 June 2015)
moorland path
the sun mining
foxglove scent
Heron’s Nest (Issue #27.2 June 2015)
a strand of her hair
clings to the soap
midwinter cold
Cattails (May 2015 Edition)
pylon hum
the twitch of fibres
in a horse’s shoulder
Blithe Spirit (Issue #25.3, Autumn 2015)
cicada plainsong
the sun lingers in
the olive field
World Haiku Review (June 2015 Edition)
fleeting wind –
the branch reaches after
the sparrow
A Hundred Gourds (Issue #4.4 September 2015)
mists caught
in the nettle thicket
the cry of a lamb
Acorn (Issue #36, September 2015)
lilt of fishing boats
this quiet night
of quiet stars
Asahi Shimbun (September 4 2015)
a dead hare
in the hunter’s grip
autumn darkens
Mainichi (October 17 2015)
christmas morning
a sparrow breaks the crumbs
from the broken bread
Presence (#48 Spring 2013)