Kat Creighton
high water mark -
no way to measure
all that’s been lost
morning fog
no hint of the beachcomber
but for his whistle
A Hundred Gourds December 2011 Haiga
falling leaves
so many ways to count
our numbered days
Notes From The Gean March 2012 Haiga
wild geese
the shape of wind
on water
Notes From The Gean March 2012 Haiga
late winter
the ache in my bones
as I lay them down
World Haiku Review April 2012
in the seconds
between lightning and thunder
our plans recast
A Hundred Gourds June 2012 Haiga
it makes no difference
this wall
to the gulls or the terns
A Hundred Gourds June 2012 Haiga
coaxing me
to believe in god again
this sunset
A Hundred Gourds June 2012 Haiga
I dream myself
a mermaid
Simply Haiku Summer 2012 Haiga
midnight frost
my prayers as I see them
Simply Haiku Summer 2012 Haiga
between dreaming and waking the faithfulness of dawn
the rain now snow …
I think of things
I might have said