Patricia Carragon
A native New Yorker, Patricia Carragon’s latest books are "The Cupcake Chronicles" (Poets Wear Prada, 2017) and "Innocence "(Finishing Line Press). She hosts the Brooklyn-based Brownstone Poets and is the editor-in-chief of its annual anthology. She is one of the executive editors for Home Planet News Online.
the crocus wins
over the snow
The 14th Annual brevitas Festival of the Short Poem 2017.
the lipstick glides
across my lips
clouds form a kiss
The 14th Annual brevitas Festival of the Short Poem 2017.
on hallowed ground
a sanctuary grows
wild geraniums
The Avocet, A Journal of Nature Poetry, Summer 2017.
linden solstice
at night
Bear Creek Haiku, Issue #142, February 2018.
past the open doors
of a stalled train
birdsong enters
Bear Creek Haiku Blogspot, February 10, 2018.
sipping golden milk
turmeric sunshine
on a cold March night
The 14th Annual brevitas Festival of the Short Poem 2017.
the cat enjoys fresh snowfall
but the squirrel hides
under the a/c
The Weekly Avocet #122, March 15, 2017.
by the window
a snowflake meltdown
amuses the cat
The Avocet, A Journal of and from Nature, Winter 2018.
Zen on a park bench
I am no different than
the trees or bushes
First Literary Review-East November 2013
feathered troubadours
outside my window
sunrise serenade
Urban Haiku and More, Haiku, Senryu, Hay(Na)Ku and other Unrhymed Tercet Poetry (Fierce Grace Press, 2010).
an orchestra of crickets
play summer heat
S x SE Haiku & Haiku Arts, Volume 16 Number 3.
veins on leaves
my tree’s hands
touch mine
2015 Haiku Calendar (Allbook Books, 2015).