Elmedin Kadric
Born 1990 in Novi Pazar, Serbia
Living in Helsingborg, Sweden
Contact the poet
from monologue
to dialogue
the river enters the sea
deep in the pine
a crow calls me
by my real name
the way
you wear
that trickling stream
word for word evening clouds
autumn nightfall
a strong case for both moonlight
and sharp teeth
one lick and the finger holds the wind
once in a while a handful of harbour
Noon, Issue 12
dandelion fluff
telling my long-lost sister
the story of us
making small talk . . .
the gravel path
to the graveyard
Modern Haiku Volume 45.2, Summer 2014
the weight
of bobby pins
autumn rain
Modern Haiku Volume 45.3, Fall 2014
driving home –
nobody to hold
the ashes
Prune Juice Issue Fourteen, November 2014
how it's plucked out of the daisy love
Frogpond 38.1, Winter issue 2015
dandelion clock
the time it takes
to fall in love
A Hundred Gourds 4:2, March 2015
her origami bird
I learn
by unfolding
The Heron's Nest Volume XVII, Number 1, March 2015
undressing me
with their eyes
Prune juice Issue Fifteen, March 2015
after nature another headstone
Under the Basho, 2015
to bee
or not to bee
wild aster
bottle rockets, Issue 33, 2015
graveyard shift
the leftover radish
tumbles in the lunch box
Editor's Choice, Heron's Nest Volume XVII, Number 3, September 2015