Deborah P Kolodji
calendar filled
with doctor's appointments
fallen jacaranda
The Heron's Nest, Volume XV Number 3,September 2013
rust in the cedars
the quiet interrupted
by heron-cry
Lighting a Candle, the 2010 Two Autumns Anthology,
Haiku Poets of Northern California
my steps
your steps
morning sand
Above the Clouds, 2013 Yuki Teikei Society Member's Anthology
a love letter
to Captain Kirk
The Heron's Nest, Volume XIV, Number 2, June 2012
no one
at the water cooler
spring layoffs
Modern Haiku, Vol 44.2, Summer 2013
first light
through the kitchen window
our milk mustaches
Mariposa #28, Spring 2013
as far
as the moon's dark side
his untouched pillow
Bending Reeds, the 2012 Yuki Teikei Membership Anthology
in the purple leaf plum
morning stillness
Modern Haiku, Issue 43.2, Summer 2012
deep winter
the faded coffee mug
that says "Grandpa"
bottle rockets, #27, August 2012
gray skies again
I fill up my car
at $4.15 a gallon
first published in bottle rockets, #25, August 2011