Ron C. Moss
simmering milk
my baby sister’s bonnet
feathered with frost
Heron’s Nest Vol XVI, Number 1, March 2013
the warm voices
of the woman folk . . .
watermelon skies
shiku kukai, March 2013
the glow of sunset
in cardboard shelters . . .
songs of the broken
shiku kukai, July 2013
fire duty
the newly ironed shirt
still warm
Heron's Nest 16:1, 2013
sliver of moon
a hook taken deep
on the turning tide
White Lotus Jan 2008
winter stars
a sick cat withers
against the cold
FreeXpression 2007
casting out
the fisherman’s line
splits the moon
Devonport Poetry Competition, April 2002--First Place
lovers on the dune
lucerne pods burst
in the heat
Frogpond 25.2, 2012
close to the waterfall the sound I become lost in
Heron's Nest Volume XV, Number 2: June 2013
snow falling
until there’s only white . . .
feels like dying
Now This: Contemporary Poems of Beginnings, Renewals and Firsts, 2013
spring wind
ivy vines tighten
in the moonlight
Shiki Kukai, Mar 2007
light bulb
the silent burning
. . . of white
Lynx #14 June, 2004
long ride
cold sunlight flickers
in the spokes
Famous Reporter #35
no vacancy—
a snowflake settles
in my footprint
Paper Wasp, Jack Stamm Haiku Anthology 2006