Daniela Misso
Born 1975 in San Donato Milanese (Italy)
Living in San Gemini, Terni (Italy)
Daniela is a retired school teacher. She began writing haiku in 2019. Winner of national and international competitions, her poems have been published online and in anthologies, journals and newspapers worldwide. She is author of the books Connessioni Sottili, ed. FusibiliaLibri, 2021 and Ciliegi in fiore, Edizioni Accademia Barbanera, 2023.
cherry petals . . .
I leave my sorrows
in the breeze
spring water –
weaving the silence
of a willow
acqua di sorgente –
tessendo il silenzio
di un salice
bedridden –
the route of swallows
above my roof
Modern Haiku Vol. 51.3, Autumn 2020
bombs fall
in a child's eyes
storks flying
canary’s song
filling the blank space
between lines
The Poetry Pea Journal 1:23, Spring 2023
of unknown flowers . . .
moonless night
Stardust Haiku Poetry With a Little Sparkle, Issue 55, July 2021
nowhere to go . . .
cherry petals
in my pockets
lost ring
in the grass . . .
frogpond vol. 43.2, Spring-Summer 2020
green lawn . . .
a mint candy melting
in my mouth
Blithe Spirit, Vol. 30 No. 2, Spring 2020
at the side of the road
First Place, European Kukai, March 2023 (kigo theme – Spring)
first date –
in the shadows
wild violets
bending slightly . . .
a honey bee
Honorable Mention, 76th Basho Memorial English Haiku Contest
aching feet –
the soft chirping
of birds
the same conversations
on the same bench –
new greenery
discorsi uguali
sulla stessa panchina –
il verde nuovo
ancestors' house
a sparkle of fireflies
over the meadow
the memories
of a day's journey …
wild oats
i ricordi
di una giornata di viaggio …
avena selvatica
double rainbow –
footsteps of father and son
on the shoreline
Selected haiku, 14th Yamadera Basho Memorial Museum English Haiku Contest
the feast is over . . .
chickens roam freely
in my slumber
failed haiku A Journal of English Senryu, Vol. 8, Issue 89, April 2023
the silence
of jasmine incense…
evening shadows
wind dies down
the solo of a cricket
il vento si placa
l'assolo di un grillo
da qualche parte
clouds shift
beneath a child's steps ...
summer sea
a beached squid
breathes in dawn light...
lava sand
grandma's tales . . .
picking out zucchini seeds
around the table
To Live Here - A Haiku Anthology, The Wee Sparrow Poetry Press, 2023
the passage of clouds
always blue
evening chill
the shadow of a rose
on the gravel
freddo serale -
l'ombra di una rosa
sopra la ghiaia
chrysanthemums —
a shaft of sunlight
on headstones
Honorable Mention, THF Monthly Kukai, July 2022 (kigo theme – Sunshine)
a fisherman
speaks of his life
fog from the sea
frogpond vol. 44.1, Winter 2021
grape harvest
dipping my fingers
into the twilight
10 Winning haiku, The 5th Basho-an International English Haiku Competition
cake in the oven . . .
a magpie back and forth
from a pine
rainy pavement --
my wheelchair runs
through the clouds
ten lire
on the bottom of the fountain
full moon
autumn heat
a glass of red wine
in backlit
old letters
embers crackle
with memories
sway in the branches . . .
my hand in yours
tsuri-dōrō – a small journal of haiku and senryū Issue 8, March/April 2022
olive scent –
down in the valley
an open air fire
Hedgerow #131, Spring 2020
with closed eyes . . .
the autumn wind
turns my pages
The Nick Virgilio Writers House – Haiku in action, September 2021
in the silence
of a mountain path
pine cones fall
Samobor Haiku Meeting Almanac Journal, No. 30, April 2023
sicilian hills
through the train window . . .
creeping sepia
frogpond, vol. 45:3, Autumn 2022
autumn twilight
on my fingers the resin
of a cypress sprig
Blithe Spirit, Vol. 32 No. 4, November 2022
a handful
of walnuts in my pockets –
evening wind
una manciata
di noci nelle tasche –
vento di sera
snowflakes fall
into the darkness
of a bombed house
ungiven caress—
the silence of a crocus
in the snow
THF Haiku Dialogue, Resolutions – Failure (1), January 25, 2023
winter deepens . . .
in an old coat pocket
blue glass beads
Honorable Mention, Sharpening the green pencil 2023 Haiku Contest
new year’s day –
washing my face
with rainwater
Blithe Spirit, Vol. 31 No. 1, February 2021
winter silence–
under the tea towel
dough is rising
2nd Place, aha Haiku Contest 2023 Annual Hortensia Anderson Haiku Awards
heavy snowfall
the roundness
of rocks
Hedgerow #134, Winter 2021
winter rain –
an old air ticket
in my rucksack
1st Place, 2021 AHA Haiku/Senryu Contest Annual Hortensia Anderson Memorial Award
to the silence of snow . . .
his absence
Outstanding Haiku, The 2nd Oku-no-hosomichi Sōka Matsubara International Haiku Competition
winter evening
blue shadows of trees
on the snow
taste of morning tea
the delicate ray of sun
through an icicle
Runner-up, Society of Classical Poets 2021 Haiku Competition