Aparna Pathak
Born: 1970, India
Resides: Gurugram, India
Aparna Pathak is freelance writer from India. Her work appears in Poetry Life and Times , Reflections , Negative Suck , Poetry 24, Rolling Thunder Press , Blue Cygnus, Earthen Lamp Journal , Lost Tower Publication, Inner Child Press (US), Silver Birch Press , Shot Glass Journal , The Heron’s Nest, Akisame (Newsletter of European Haiku Society, Hedgerow, Prune Juice, Creatrix poets, Presence, Chrysanthemum, Whispers, The Mamba, World Haiku Review, Wild Plum, Failed Haiku, The Asahi Shimbun, The Mainichi, Stardust, Akitsu Quarterly, Frameless Sky, Bones, Cattails, brass bell: a haiku journal
Books Published: Silent Flute (2012).
hill walking
he knows all the ways
to go missing with me
honorable mention / 6th Matsuyama photo haiku contest / 2017
autumn river
if only I had tied
the boat
Presence # 59
morning raga
a loud yawn
before it ends
Commended /IAFOR awards / 2016
sand bubbler crab
somewhere between the pellets
waning moon
Haiku Master of the month/ NHK World / November 2016
basking morass—
flapping ears of an elephant
losing tempo
Heron's Nest (XIX:1) March 2017
paddy field —
the wallowing buffalo
licks its nose
Wild Plum 3:1 / Spring- summer/ 2017
train journey
each one of us
a hula doll
Acorn issue #38 , Spring 2017
square to square
the refugee girl
Frogpond 40. 2 Spring- Summer 2017
mango blossom
glance of first tooth
in baby’s grin
MayFly #63 Summer 2017
the stillness
in the canyon
late Autumn
UHTS Cattails October 2017
war news
my second helping
of tea
Tinywords 17.2 / 2017
mole static on tongue loops
Bones # 14 2017
standing firm in running water moon and I
Under the Basho, November 2016
every ripple a river in the river
Under the Basho, November 2016
the star mother pointed to before becoming
Under the Basho, November 2016
kattie shots on stars surrounding my moon
Bones #11, 2016
the ruler's statue laden with pigeon's rain
Bones #11, 2016
History class -
the teacher asks us
not to look back
Failed Haiku October 2016
manthan of curd
granny and mom
in sync for once
Prune Juice # 19 July 2016
the hiss sound I make
on the first syllable
Presence #55, 2016
death anniversary...
his fading odor
in treasured shirt
Wild Plum 2.2 , FALL& WINTER ISSUE, 2016)
Touchstone 2016 Shortlist
city fair
my loosened grip
on father's finger
Haiku Master of the month/ NHK World / April 2016