Minal Sarosh
Born in 1960 in Nashik, Maharashtra, India
Living In Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Minal Sarosh is an awarded Indian English poet and author of novel Soil for My Roots (LiFi Publications, Delhi) 2015. Her first poetry collection, Mitosis and other poems was published by Writers Workshop, Kolkata, in 1992. Her haiku, senryu, and tanka have been published in reputed online journals and print anthologies. In 2018, her haiku won the 7th Annual Japan- Russia Haiku Contest of the Akita International Haiku Network and was awarded the ‘Akita International University President’s Award’.
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waves of people . . .
a child wails for her parents
border fences shake
Akita International University President’s Award
First prize 7th Annual Japan –Russia Haiku Contest October 2018
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waiting for words
even the frogs
are silent
World Haiku Review, June 2016
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tuffs of grass
in the wall of reality
dreams fill up cracks
World Haiku Review, April 2012
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silent crows
a row on the parapet
wordless strangers
The Four Quarters Magazine, April 2012
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chilly hands
trying to catch the sun
through the window
UnFold’ 140 character poetry journal April 2012
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unwritten history
seeds without paper
soil without words
Honorable mention The World Haiku Review, August 2011
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a butterfly fluttering
against the glass window
opaque dreams
Muse India, May 2011
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mellow morning
a head full of
twittering birds
Muse India, Nov-Dec 2009