Christine L. Villa
Born in Quezon City, Philippines
Living in Sacramento, California, USA
Contact the poet
floating on water
the scent of magnolia
summer breeze
Semifinalist for the month of August 2011
Ito En North America New Haiku Grand Pix
from her chimney . . .
all the gossiping
3rd Prize, Diogen International Winter Haiku Competition 2012
passing clouds
the scent of honeysuckle
in a crow's wings
2nd place, Svetlana Marisova Memorial Kukai 2012
new moon
changing the photo
inside her heart locket
Honorable Mention
Kaji Aso Studio International Haiku Contest 2012
another splash
from the bird bath . . .
lingering heat
3rd place, 6th International Kukai 2012
pulling her to places
she has never been
the sound of the train
One of the 8 awardees,
Setouchi Matsuyama Photo Haiku Contest 2011
yard sale
a yoyo unwinds
a string of memories
Frogpond, Winter 2012
checkmate . . .
surrendering to
a choir of birds
Things With Wings, June 2012
tide pool
a gull plucks a starfish
along with my dream
With Cherries on Top - 31 Flavours from NaHaiWriMo 2012
cotton-candy clouds
days when I am
one of the butterflies
With Cherries on Top - 31 Flavours from NaHaiWriMo 2012
hospital bed
the way his eyes light up
whenever he sees me
With Cherries on Top - 31 Flavours from NaHaiWriMo 2012
evening drizzle
notes from his guitar
perfume the air
Haigaonline ( Vol. 12, Issue 2, December 2011)
a bird song
no need to know
the color of its wings
Haigaonline ( Vol. 12, Issue 2, December 2011)
frameless sky
the boardwalk too small
for my dreams
A Hundred Gourds, 1:4 September 2012
moonless night
my tears dissolving
into prayers
100th World Haiku Association Haiga Contest 2012
torn between
the sunset and him
I ask for a snapshot
Prune Juice, Issue 8: Spring 2012
the flower
behind my ear . . .
our first conversation
Winner, March 2012
The Collaborative Photo-Haiku Project