Verica Zivkovic
Born 1957
Lived in Starcevo, Serbia
Died December 10, 2014
icy station –
only cigarette’s glow
back and forth
Second Prize - ITOEN New Haiku Contest 2005, Japan
rising sun –
the sunflowers’
dark head
First Prize - Kaji Aso Studio International Haiku Contest 2009
on the leaves of sunflower
po-tan, po-tan *
* Po-tan, po-tan are Japanese sound words expressing slow tempo.
Special additional prize: “The Elizabeth Searle Lamb Award donated by Carolyn Lamb”
Kaji Aso Studio International Haiku Contest 2006
sky clears up
hail on the sunflower
Second Prize - Kaji Aso Studio International Haiku Contest 2004
midnight moon –
iced apple sparkles
on the bare branch
Second Prize - ITOEN New Haiku Contest 2001, Japan
cut down forest –
behind the deer antlers
waxing moon
Prize winner - HIA Haiku Contest 2007, Japan
storm crosses
the traveler’s shadow –
he marches on
Best Haiku - The 34th A-Bomb Day Memorial Haiku Meeting 2000, Japan
the full moon
until half in the hole
of the chimney
Selected by Isamu Hashimoto October 21, 2013 (Mainichi Japan)
under an umbrella –
a hyacinth seller
Selected haiku - Shigureki Haiku Contest 2003, Japan
after the tsunami –
the man standing
on his floating roof
Haiku in English Tsunami Special
The Mainichi Daily News March 11, 2011
pruning his apple tree
my neighbour waves at me
with a twig
Matsuo Basho Poetry Offerings
Selected haiku, 2006
water carrier –
moon sways
to the rhythm of walking
Honorable Mention - 17th Mainichi Haiku Contest, 2013
table parasol –
my glass full of rainwater
reflects setting sun
Special Award - Hekinan «World Wide» Haiku Contest 2006, Japan
the shadows
of an abandoned station –
spring moon
Third Prize - Kusamakura International Competition 2003, Japan
floating leaf
almost covering –
the Easter moon
First Prize - The Yellow Moon Poetry Competition 2004, Australia