• Forges-Ryan, Sylvia

    Sylvia Forges-Ryan

    Born 1937 in New York City, New York, USA
    Living in North Haven, Connecticut, USA

  • Guenin, Anita

    Anita Curran Guenin

    Born 1937 in USA.
    New England native and presently California resident.
    Student of haiku since 2010. 


  • Reichhold, Jane

    Jane ReichholdJane Reichhold

    Born 1937 in Lima, Ohio, U.S.A.
    Died in 2016

    I’ve been writing haiku since the 1960s and have published over 40 books of haiku, renga, and tanka. I have translated 7 books from the Japanese with the best seller being Basho The Complete Haiku. Writing and Enjoying Haiku, also published by Kodansha, along with A Dictionary of Haiku, by AHA Books, are still often on Amazon’s best-seller list. The latest tanka book, was translated with Machiko Kobayashi from Akiko Yosano’s most famous book, Midaregami – Tangled HairAHApoetry.com was started in 1995 and  AHAforum is the place poets meet online since 2006.