Burns, James Roderick
James Roderick Burns
Born 1972 in Great Britain
Living in Edinburgh, ScotlandJames Roderick Burns' short-form collections 'The Salesman's Shoes' (tanka) and 'Greetings from Luna Park' (sedoka) are published by Modern English Tanka Press. He is managing editor of the UK journal Other Poetry, and lives and works in Edinburgh.
Cone, Temple
Temple Cone
Website: www.templecone.com
Temple Cone is Professor of English at the U.S. Naval Academy and served as the inaugural Poet Laureate for the city of Annapolis.
He is the author of five books of poetry: Sky Bright Psalms, Guzzle, That Singing, The Broken Meadow, and No Loneliness.
Liljedahl, Marcus
Marcus Liljedahl
Born 1972 in Malmö, SwedenThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Marcus Liljedahl lives in Gothenburg, Sweden. His poetry has appeared in Modern Haiku, Frogpond, The Heron’s Nest, Bottle Rockets, Noon, Bones, is/let, Under The Basho, Otoliths, and others. Marcus haiku was included in the anthologies Haiku 2015 and Haiku 2016, edited by Scott Metz and Lee Gurga. He was also one of 17 poets to appear in A New Resonance 10, edited by Jim Kacian and Dee Evetts. He is the author of the e-chapbook War Zone.
Tauchner, Dietmar
Dietmar Tauchner
Born 1972 in Neunkirchen, Austria
Living in Puchberg & Vienna, Austria