
  • Burns, James Roderick

    James Roderick BurnsJames Roderick Burns

    Born 1972 in Great Britain
    Living in Edinburgh, Scotland

    James Roderick Burns' short-form collections 'The Salesman's Shoes' (tanka) and 'Greetings from Luna Park' (sedoka) are published by Modern English Tanka Press. He is managing editor of the UK journal Other Poetry, and lives and works in Edinburgh.

  • Davidson, Tracy

    Tracy DavidsonTracy Davidson

    Born 1970 in Paisley, Scotland
    Living in Warwickshire, England

  • Jones, Colin Stewart

    Colin Stewart JonesColin Stewart Jones

    Born 1968 in Manchester, England
    Lives in Dingwall, Scotland

    Colin does not regard himself as an academic but rather an autodidact who is talented in transforming what he has found, or found out. In a past life, he was the editor in chief of Gean Tree Press which produced Notes from the Gean:haiku journal and many books on haiku.