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lights out at last
shedding the burden
of her shadow
cattails journal (UHTS) - Jane Reichold memorial haiku (2016)
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transit camp
dust tracks deepening
on the child’s face
Ephemerae Issue 1 (2018)
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the bright red tattoo
on the side of her arm
a fading palm print
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upon reflection
the diving duck disappears
right into itself
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final reminder
dropped through the letterbox
cut price funerals
Boston Literary Magazine (Winter 2015)
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snowflakes falling
on the child’s upturned face
the stillness of stars
Winner: Haiku Now! contest 2013 (traditional category) (the Haiku Foundation)
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winter funeral
we stand unbelieving
the cloudless sky
Haiku Ireland newsletter
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fortieth birthday
fastening my old belt
at a new hole
Haiku Presence issues 13 & 25 & Haiku Spirit
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summer thunderstorm
filling air with tension
she crosses her thighs
Chrysanthemum (Aug 2012)
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not a bird for days
yet somehow the seed feeder
completely empty
Bottle Rockets (Aug 2012)
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late autumn haze
a constellation of gnats
skywriting ampersands
Frogpond Autumn 2011
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after the service
we gather at the wake
raising spirits
A Hundred Gourds (Dec 2011)
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cattle reflected
in the river’s meander
summer clouds
Acorn (2011)
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skimming the surface
of a mirror flat sea
the full moon
Paper Wasp
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mist on far hills
her eyes in shadow
reflect the distance
Bare Bones magazine issue 8
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pulling the bowstring
against held breath
wind in the yews
Snapshots Magazine issue 12
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staring into flames
an old man and his old wife
their dancing shadows
Snapshots Magazine issue 3 (also Daily Haiga website)
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drifting mist
the swinging lantern
slowly disappears
Haiku Presence issue 34