Ashwell, Joanna
Joanna Ashwell
Born in Barnard Castle, United Kingdom
Living in Co Durham, United KingdomJoanna Ashwell is a short form poet who writes Haiku, Tanka, Haibun, Cherita and other related forms. She has published four collections of poetry. Between Moonlight a collection of haiku was published by Hub Editions in 2006. Her tanka collection Every Star was published by KDP on Amazon in 2023. Her Cherita collection River Lanterns was published by 1-2-3 Press on Amazon in 2023. She currently serves on the selection team for the Canadian Tanka Journal GUSTS.
Blackwell, Danny
Danny Blackwell
Born 1977 in the UK
Living in Spain
d blackwell is a british born poet residing elsewhere
Contact the poet
Davidson, Tracy
Tracy Davidson
Born 1970 in Paisley, Scotland
Living in Warwickshire, England -
Dolphy, Steve
Steve Dolphy
Born 1961, Southampton, United Kingdom
Present place of residence: Eastleigh, Hampshire, United KingdomSteve worked in business before becoming a clinical psychologist. Whilst living in Vietnam, 1997 to 2001, he studied Vietnamese at the Hanoi National University and started writing haiku. He has published two haiku collections: The Cry of the Duck Egg Seller Ram Publications, 2004 and A Compendium of Glimpses Kindle, 2015.
Duffield, Roy
Roy Duffield
Country of birth: UK
Year of birth: 1988
Current place of residence: Barcelona, Spain
Email address:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Personal blog: https://drinkingtraveller.comRoy is a man of few words. Said words can be read in Heliosparrow, Quadrant, Failed Haiku, The Crank, Mamba, postscript, Akitsu Quarterly, Silver Storkand The Journal of Wild Culture.
Everett, Claire
Claire Everett
Born in Shropshire England
Living in North Yorkshire, England
http://thosethr3words.wordpress.com -
Gardiner, Tim
Tim Gardiner
Born 1978, United Kingdom.
Currently resides in UK.Dr Tim Gardiner is an ecologist, poet and children's author from Manningtree in Essex, UK. His haiku have been published in over 100 print and online magazines and he has been widely anthologised. His first collection of haiku, On the Edge, was published by Brambleby Books in 2017.
Webpage: http://www.essexfieldclub.org.uk/portal/p/Insect+poetry
Hawkhead, John
John Hawkhead
Living in Bradford on Avon, United Kingdom
Contact the poet
Kelly, David J.
David J Kelly
Born in 1963 in Middlesex, Greater London, UK.
Currently resident in Dublin, Ireland.
David J Kelly is a scientist by training (PhD in Zoology), but has been fascinated by the music of language for longer than he can remember. His main hobbies are birds and words. David’s first collection, Hammerscale from the Thrush’s Anvil(Alba Publishing), was published in November 2016.
Krishnamurthy, Shrikaanth
Shrikaanth Krishnamurthy
Born in Karnataka, India
Living in Birmingham, United Kingdom -
Lucas, Martin
Martin Lucas
(1962 – 2014)
Martin Lucas, a remarkable haiku poet, essayist, founder and editor of Presence, was found dead in April 2014. His unexpected death shocked the haiku community and resulted in some very touching tributes by fellow haiku poets and friends.
Martin was born in 1962 in Middlesbrough, England. He lived and worked in Preston. He had a B.A. in English Literature from the University of Kent at Canterbury, and an M.A. in Religious Studies from Lancaster University, which included a dissertation on Zen Buddhism. In 2001 he was awarded a PhD in Creative Writing by the University of Wales, Cardiff, for his thesis, Haiku in Britain: Theory, Practice, Context. Martin was president of the British Haiku Society (from 2003 to 2006) and author and co-editor of several books and anthologies. Martin was also a keen bird-watcher and he kept extensive records of his bird sightings and regularly assisted local groups and the British Trust for Ornithology in their efforts to monitor bird population patterns. Some of Martin’s bird haiku were included in two nature-oriented anthologies.
Martin’s “first ‘live’ encounter with haiku took place in the autumn of 1986 at the beginning of a Creative Writing course at the City Lit., Holborn, London, tutored by Mark Williams” (Blithe Spirit, Volume 6 Number 4, December 1996) but his first publications appeared on the pages of Blithe Spirit in the early 1990s. In his tribute to the late Martin Lucas his friend and fellow poet Matthew Paul writes that by 1994 Martin had not only “developed his own style to the point where he was writing classic haiku and his first tanka”, but with each new publication he “continued to hone his style further” and was widely recognised and later featured in numerous anthologies. Martin’s first collection of haiku, bluegrey, was published in 1994; followed by five more until his untimely death in 2014.
Martin joined the British Haiku Society in 1992, and four years later in 1996 with assistance from David Steele, founded Presence – a haiku magazine, specialising in publishing high quality haiku, senryu, tanka, renku and related poetry. “Martin had started preparing for its fiftieth issue at the time of his death. The 49 issues ofPresence that Martin oversaw contain a wealth of contributions from English-language haiku poets across the world; a true global village of like-minded souls who were guided by Martin’s unwavering pursuit of excellence and his encouragement of new talent, intellectual standards and debate of the highest order.” (Matthew Paul, A Hundred Gourds 3:4 September 2014)
Books and Anthology publications:
- bluegrey (Hub Editions, 1994);
- Darkness and Light (1996, Hub Editions);
- ..Click.. (Hub Editions, 1998);
- Violin (Bare Bones Press, 1998);
- Moonrock (Ram Publications, 2002);
- Earthjazz (Ram Publications, 2003);
- Stepping Stones: a way into haiku (British Haiku Society, 2007).
and the anthologies:
- The Iron Book of British Haiku, ed. by David Cobb and Martin Lucas (Iron Press, 1998);
- The New Haiku, ed. by John Barlow and Martin Lucas (Snapshot Press, 2002);
- the tanka anthology, ed. by Michael McClintock, Pamela Miller Ness and Jim Kacian (Red Moon Press , Dec. 2003);
- Wing Beats anthology, ed. John Barlow and Matthew Paul ( Snapshot Press, 2008);
- Where the River Goes, ed. Allan Burns (Snapshot Press, 2013).
Selected work:
song of a greenfinch;
a ray of sun on cold steps
and a few snowdrops…(Blithe Spirit, Volume 3 Number 3, July 1993)
evening hush…
a tabby cat
slips through the railings(Blithe Spirit, Volume 4 Number 1, February 1994)
a dab of red
in the leafy garden:
the gnome's hat(Bluegrey, 1994)
after the goodbye kiss
the sweetness
of a russet apple(Museum of Haiku Literature Award, Blithe Spirit, Volume 5 Number 2, May 1995)
train to catch I listen to your violin
(Violin, 1998)
with each breath
the pan piper's
eyebrows(Moonrock, 2002)
a light rain …
sweeping the moor
the peewit’s cryseed of the reedmace –
the skylark rising
into a wide sky(Wing Beats, Snapshot Press, 2008)
a moment before sunrise –
ice singing
beneath the swans’ feet(Winner of the Katikati Haiku Contest, 2010)
on Ascension Day
looking to the sky
spin on the wind
rain falls(the tanka anthology, ed. by Michael McClintock, Pamela Miller Ness and Jim Kacian, Red Moon Press , Dec. 2003)
whatever it is,
the swallows’ word
for sparrowhawk —
I hear them crying it
over the fields(Skylark, Summer 2014)
too much light
in the darkness
and not enough silence
in the quietness
of a winter night(Skylark, Winter 2014)
Some articles:
- http://haikupresence.org/essays/art-craft
- http://haikupresence.org/essays/related%20forms
- http://www.poetrysociety.org.nz/martinlucas
- http://haiku-presence.50webs.com/essays/lucasessay2.html
- Sources:
- http://www.worldhaiku.net/poetry/eng/uk/m.lucas.htm
- https://breathhaiku.wordpress.com/tag/martin-lucas/
- http://www.makeshifttheatre.co.uk/2014/04/23/in-memoriam-haiku-poet-martin-lucas-1962-2014/
- http://ahundredgourds.com/ahg34/index_feature.html
- http://matthewpaulpoems.blogspot.co.uk/2014/04/martin-lucas_25.html
- http://www.wingbeats.co.uk/contributors.html
- http://www.snapshotpress.co.uk/books/stepping_stones.htm
McLellan, Andy
Andy McLellan
Born 1970, Salisbury UK. Currently resident in Canterbury, UK
Andy McLellan is a haiku poet and Sōtō Zen novice priest living in Canterbury, UK. He spends a lot of time drinking tea and thinking deep thoughts like “Is it too soon for more tea?”. He has three children and a PhD in plant biology.
Pacsoo, Jo
Jo Pacsoo
(10 September 1941 – 19 February 2023)
In gratitude to Ruth Lavender and everyone else who attended the Quaker-style Memorial Gathering on Sunday the 12th of March 2023 and to her daughter Tanya & son Mark
I corresponded with Jo in the 1990s as part of a small group sharing and work-shopping haiku. I first met her in the early 2000s when the British Haiku Society had organised a walk along The Tarka Trail in Devon, staying in various lodgings along the way. As Jo lived in Cornwall, she was able to meet us half-way and continue to the end of the walk. She was a seasoned and strong walker and a pleasure to be with. My strongest memory is of her getting off the bus on the way back before the rest of us: she just had to give everyone a hug as she left.
In 2007, a couple of years after her partner, Frank, died, she moved to Skipton. Her touching haibun (Last Words) about his death was published in Blithe Spirit Vol. 17 No.3, p.32. Before moving from Skipton to Hebden Bridge a year later, she hosted a meeting of the Yorks/Lanks group. She’d lived in Hebden Bridge earlier in her life.
I began to visit her about once a month and we had much joy in sharing haiku, as well as thoughts about haiku and Buddhism. It felt so natural and easy to hug whenever I arrived or left.
It’s easy to see from Jo’s best haikai that she was very intuitive. She kept in touch with her friends who first took Refuge in the Buddha with her on a retreat in Wales in the early 2000s (I think*). This was mainly by phone as they were all from different parts of Britain. But there was one of these friends in particular who she had a deeper connection with and one day she told me this friend had died. Jo had known about this before anyone told her because she felt it the moment this friend passed away.
In 2016 she suffered a stroke and lost sensation in her left arm and leg. She hated being in hospital and wrote an ironic and humorous haibun, Grapes and Silenceabout it. This is included in her last solo book, Wandering(2017).
I visited her several times in hospital and, when she came home, more often than before. We’d chat as usual, then make lunch and afterwards walk in the nearby woods along Hebdon Water. Although she had many Alexander Technique lessons, Reiki and Acupuncture treatments, both her left arm and leg remained stubbornly numb. But she was determined to continue with her walks.
Ruth Lavender writes:
… within weeks of getting home from hospital, she was out and about, doing the things she enjoyed, and proving her ability for independence again. I was astonished at how well she recovered and took back her life, getting out for walks by the river, and even up to Heptonstall - a long steep climb that many people less than half her age wouldn’t attempt!
*The retreat is recorded in her book, Earth Time Water & Sky, 2005
We didn’t see each other much during lockdown as we had differing views about keeping physical distance. So we kept in touch with phone calls, letters and texting haiku to each other. In November 2022 she had a mild heart attack and was in & out of hospital over a period of 10 days or so. When she was finally discharged she had so many health visitors etc, that she needed to rest or just have a quiet time when they weren’t there. She died on the morning of Sunday the 19th of February. A friend surmised that Jo got up and unlocked the door as she was expecting another friend to deliver some herbal remedies. She then went upstairs again to get dressed. The person who was bringing the herbal remedies called her and when there was no answer she went to the bedroom discovered Jo’s body. The cause of death was probably a heart attack.
Her son and daughter contacted me when they arrived at her house and said there had to be an autopsy to establish the cause of death as no one was with her when she died. Her son and daughter were going to see the coroner on Friday the 3rdh of March. At the time of writing there’s no confirmation of the cause of death.
Some of my favourites:
otter prints
left in the sand
a broken eggshell(Blithe Spirit Vol. 24 No.4)
man at the bus stop
the smell of grandmother’s
rheumatism ointment
(Big Field, collection 2021)the quiet of fading day
a fox cub
in the open doorway(Earth Time Water & Sky, collection 2005)
woods free of people
embraced by a beech tree
at dawn(Time Haiku#52)
The last haiku refers to a particular experience. Ruth Lavender again:
She didn’t like to eat lunch at cafés because she felt she made too much of a mess, though she did enjoy a hot chocolate and a pastry outside at Hebden Bridge Railway station.There is a tree accessible from one of the paths behind the station, which has grown in such a way that the large trunk forms a niche that is just big enough for a small adult to sit in. To me this will always be Jo’s tree! We would walk that way, and she would scramble up to sit in the tree, surrounded, and with the world outside dampened by the protection of the tree - and she would recite a long Buddhist poem as a prayer while sitting in the tree niche.
Someone else at the memorial said that Jo said she’d like to die sitting in that tree and let it grow around her. This person also used to massage her feet; he said that if she was in a grumpy mood when he started, she would be smiling before he finished. Several other people made references to her taciturn nature, as well as to her need for hugs. A particular man and Jo evolved a unique way of hugging: as he breathed out she breathed in and vice-versa and, in this way, his belly went out as hers went in, hers went out as his went in. They once spotted each other in the street and he crossed over and they had one of these hugs there and then. Jo wasn’t generous with her hugs; she was also thoughtful and generous with possessions she no longer had a use for. On one of my visits we took her sleeping bag and some blankets and clothes to the park to give to some people sleeping rough in a concrete shelter.
More memories from Ruth:
I first met Jo at Ralph’s group, and later she attended Hebden Bridge Quaker meetings for a time, before falling out with Hebden Bridge Quakers [Jo went to Quaker groups when there was no Buddhist group which had enough in common with her Tibetan tradition nearby]. I know she valued lasting connections with Skipton Quakers. One time when I was with her, she'd got upset and shouted, and I knew it wasn't really at me. As usual she rallied round and apologised, and I said to her "I can cope with being shouted at, even if I'd rather not, but if you throw anything at me I'm throwing it right back at you!" and she laughed, it was a lovely moment. I can imagine she was visualising, as I was, us picking stuff up and hurling it at each other, with no regard for age or other frailties.I'm grateful Jo had meaningful connections with so many people. She could feel so alone, and yet nearly every day someone visited or phoned her.
The memorial began with Ralph leading us in singing a short Taizé song (sung in parts or as rounds and repeated until the singing comes to a natural end). He did the leading in a gentle way with a steady beat that made it easy to follow and join in. These songs occurred a few more times, when it seemed right. Ralph also told a little story about Jo visiting the Taizé group after her stroke (when she’d lost her sense of pitch): as the group was singing he noticed her moving forwards and backwards in time to the music with one hand on her heart. Ruth tells me it would have been a Dance for Universal Peace. When this is done with a group of people they form a line with one hand on the heart and the other on the shoulder of the person in front.
In her last few years Jo often said she didn’t want to live any longer, though she wasn’t suicidal. She kept a do not resuscitatecertificate in full view in her living room and carried a copy with her when she was out waking. Her daughter told me these thoughts went back further than I’d thought. On reflection, I have the feeling they date back to when Frank died, and probably became more powerful after she intuited the death of the friend she took first refuge with on the retreat in Wales.
Write-up by Fred Schofield
- Earth Time Water & Sky, Jo Pacsoo (Palores Publications, 2005)
- Chiaroscuro, Jo Pacsoo (Palores Publications, 2009)
- Wandering, Jo Pacsoo (self-published, 2017)
- Big Field, Jo Pacsoo, Stewart Metcalfe & Fred Schofield (Hub editions, 2021)
Selected poems:discussing funerals
a grey wagtail sings
in an oak treea kingfisher
flashes past
the still heron’s reflection(Time Haiku #47)
at a holy well – the taste
of wild watercontemplating
death the yellowness
of kingcupsinto the slow dawn
of the shortest day
wild geese(Beyond Words/Отвъд думите, Farago, 2018)
after the waterfall
the quiet wood
drips mosssilent in starlight the frozen pond
(Blithe Spirit Vol.22 No.2)
a skein of geese
unfurls the sky
saltmarsh stillness(Blithe Spirit Vol.24 No.1)
waterlogged trees
lean into the river
a dazzle of crocus(Blithe Spirit Vol.24 No.2)
tumbled stones
cushioned in moss
the river’s rush(Presence #52)
Pierides, Stella
Stella Pierides
Born in Athens, Greece
Living in Neusaess, Germany and London, UK
Visit the poet's blog
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Quine, Stuart
Stuart Quine
(3 November 1962 – 24 March 2020)
Stuart Quine was born in Helsby, near Runcorn, UK, in 1962 and after working in various fields, including time in a paint factory and studying for a teaching degree, he became an Intensive Care nurse, a vocation he practised until ill-health, in the form of myotonic dystrophy, forced early retirement. Stuart loved travelling and despite visits to Morocco, Japan and Australia, one of his few regrets was that he didn’t travel more. He spent his final years in Sheffield and died on March 24, 2020, from complications arising from the Covid-19 virus.
Steeped in a deep respect for the Japanese haiku and senryu tradition, Stuart Quine was known in the English-language haiku world for his one-line ‘monoku’ style. Within the one line of his haiku, however, he respected and reflected the rhythmic 'three-part' structure of Japanese haiku, as well as such essentially Japanese qualities as ‘karumi’, 'wabi/sabi’, the device – for the rhythm – of the ‘kire' and, sometimes, even a ‘kigo.'
Stuart’s work was published regularly in the journals, including Presence, of which he was, for a time, co-editor, and also appeared in anthologies. He was also a fine writer of haibun.
In spite of having been writing and publishing haiku since 1998 it was not until 2018 that Stuart’s first collection, Sour Pickle was published, by Alba Publishing. This was followed in 2019 by his second, and final, collection, Wild Rhubarb, which was awarded Third Place in the Haiku Society of America’s Merit Book Awards (Leroy & Mildred Kanterman Memorial Award) 2020.
A couple of the selected haiku below appear in these two collections but in a slightly different form, as edited by Stuart. He did a lot of 'fine-tuning' before publication:
like the honed edge of a blade keen is the cold
(Sour Pickle (2018), as ‘crescent moon like a honed blade keen in the cold’)
winter moon a glint of wolf in the mongrel’s eyes
(Wild Rhubarb (2019), as ‘winter storm a gleam of wolf in the mongrel’s eyes)
A practitioner of Soto Zen Buddhism for over 30 years, Stuart regarded his haiku writing as a dao. He was an active member of the Redthread Haiku Sangha and inspired, and encouraged the publication of, Unravelling – the Redthread Haiku Sangha anthology 1997-2019, (Alba Publishing, 2020).
Just a few days before he died, Stuart had emailed the sangha with a customary spring greeting – he always liked to mark the equinoxes – and ended his email with what turned out to be perhaps his final (and unusually for him, three-line) haiku:
Spring equinox –
a brimming bucket
mirror for a starAwards and Other Honours:
Wild Rhubarb, Third Place in the Haiku Society of America’s Merit Book Awards (Leroy & Mildred Kanterman Memorial Award) 2020
Stuart served as a member of The Haiku Foundation’s 2016 Touchstone Distinguished Books Award Committee.
Sour Pickle - one-line haiku, Alba Publishing, May 2018, UK;
Wild Rhubarb - one-line haiku, Alba Publishing, March 2019, UK;
Unravelling - the Redthread Haiku Sangha anthology 1997-2019, Alba Publishing, February 2020. (contributor)
Selected haiku:
From Sour Pickle (2018):
hidden and unseen the burgeoning life in buds and bellies
through driving rain the ambulances’ dopplering sirens
snagged in machair a gull feather unzipped by the wind
distant thunder the old mouser raises an ear
“Not yet, not yet” says the bubbling beck
winter solstice darkness gathers in the unrung bells
under mistletoe on her lips a tang of tamarind
From Wild Rhubarb(2019):
round midnight moonlight playing on the piano hammers
a short night shrunk to a dog bark and the clanking of the trams
through the haze the headlights of a hearse
lassitude and languor these days without rain
new year’s day only the rain comes to my gate
(Presence #14)
along the strandline seaspray and sunshimmer in knotted kelp
(Wind over Water (4th Pacific Rim Haiku Conference anthology)
almost weightless this empty skull that held the robin’s song
(Presence #57)
We are very grateful to Stuart’s publisher and friend Kim Richardson who wrote this tribute to an amazing poet and master of the monoku!
Serjeant, David
David Serjeant
Born 1971 in Manchester, United Kingdom
Living in Chesterfield, United Kingdom
http://distantlightning.blogspot.com -
Stoyanova, Iliyana
Iliyana Stoyanova
Born1969 in Sofia, Bulgaria
Living in St Albans, UK
Contact the poet -
Summers, Alan
Alan Summers
Born1956 in London, UKLiving in Chippenham, Wiltshire, UK
Alan Summers is a Japan Times award-winning writer. Yomiuri Shimbun (14 million readers in Japan) said on his birthday in 2002: "...as dry as vintage champagne." He runs With Words, which organises haiku based projects. His latest book Writing Poetry: The Haiku Way is due out early 2017.Website: http://area17.blogspot.com -
Surridge, André
André Surridge
Born 1951 in Hull, England
Living in Hamilton, New Zealand. He is the winner of several writing awards for haiku including the Kyoto Museum for World Peace Award (JAPAN); Jane Reichhold International Prize (USA) and the Janice Bostok International Haiku Award (AUS).
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Sutcliffe, Rachel
Rachel Sutcliffe
(6 November 1977 – 23 January 2019)
English poet and linguist Rachel Marie Sutcliffe was born in Harrogate, North Yorkshire. Rachel's love of language is reflected in her educational qualifications: a BA in Modern Languages, a Postgraduate Certificate in Education and an MA in English. Her studies and work meant Rachel spent some time abroad, first as an English language assistant in Spain, then as a technical English lecturer in France. After her return to England, she worked as an EFL and Spanish lecturer and a language tutor in her home town of Huddersfield.
During her early twenties Rachel was diagnosed with an incurable, immune disorder and her writing, which had once been a pastime, became a form of therapy. Informed by Rachel's keen observations of both nature and people, her haiku and senryu resonated with readers all over the world.
A valuable member of the British Haiku Society, Rachel's work has appeared in numerous print and online journals including A Hundred Gourds, A New Ulster, Autumn Moon Haiku Journal, Bamboo Hut, Blithe Spirit, Brass Bell, cattails, Failed Haiku, Frogpond, Haiku Commentary, Haikuniverse, hedgerow, Lynx, Lyrical Passion Poetry E-Zine, Memori de una Geisha, Never Ending Story, Notes from the Gean, Prune Juice, Shamrock, Per Diem (The Haiku Foundation), Scryptic, Stardust, The Heron's Nest, The Living Senryu Anthology, The World Haiku Review, The Zen Space and tinywords.
Write-up by Marion Clarke
- Runner-up in the BHS Museum of Haiku Literature Awards February 2018;
- Selected for the 9th Yamadera Bashō 2017 Memorial Museum;
- Work featured on NHK Haiku Masters;
- Honourable Mention in the Wild Plum Haiku Contest 2017;
- Shortlisted for the BHS Museum of Haiku Literature Awards 2015;
- Runner-up in the Shamrock Readers' Choice Awards (2014);
- Short listed for Desmond O'Grady Poetry Competition 2012, White House Limerick Poetry.
Books Published:
Rachel Sutcliffe, Flying Free: A Poetic Response to Illness (Misfit Books Press 2018).
(free download at: https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/396b91_08d917b2c53747b59c06d71ec277ee71.pdf)
Selected work:dripping tap
I begin to think
you’re right(Frogpond, Volume 36:3, Autumn 2013)
we talk
about survival rates
winter sky(cattails, January 2014 Premier Issue)
lost in the valley
listening for the river
to guide us home(A Hundred Gourds 4:1 (December 2014)
morning stroll
returning home with me
a ladybug(cattails, January 2015)
inner city building
a canvas of honeysuckle
climbs the graffiti(tinywords, ISSUE 15.1 | 13 MARCH 2015)
the leaf’s descent
leaving my best years
behind me(cattails, September 2015)
the last trawler
leaves the harbour
moonlight quivers(tinywords, ISSUE 16.1 | 13 JULY 2016)
streets of childhood
all the faces
strangers now(Beginning, BHS Members’ Anthology 2016)
birds in flight
the child asks
how to grow wings(The Heron's Nest, Volume XIX, Number 2: June 2017)
all the life
I once had(cattails, October 2017)
cold rain
darkness trickles
off the tiles(Lyrical Passion Poetry E-zine 2018)
spring outside
your hand in mine
in the hospiceпролет навън
твоята ръка в моята
в хосписа
shorter days
autumn deepens
underfootдните се скъсяват
есента все по-дълбока
под стъпките ми
the snow
недокоснат(Beyond Words/Отвъд думите, haiku anthology, Farrago, Sofia 2018)
mountain hut
the solitude
I seek(Wild, BHS Members’ Anthology 2018)
deep woods happy to just be
(Per Diem, The Haiku Foundation, October 2018)
evening cool
the beachcomber's
cloudy eyes(The Heron's Nest,Vol. XX Number 4 (December 2018)
funeral over
my shadow
walks alone(Runner-up in the BHS Museum of Haiku Literature Awards - February 2018)
- https://projectwords11.wordpress.com/about-me/
- https://www.humankindjournal.org/contrib_rachel_sutcliffe/issue-12-rachel-sutcliffe
- https://www.thehaikufoundation.org/poet-details/?IDclient=1559
- https://livinghaikuanthology.com/index-of-poets/alphabetic-index/192-s-poets/rachel-sutcliffe.html
- https://tinywords.com/author/rs/
- http://neverendingstoryhaikutanka.blogspot.com/2018/11/butterfly-dream-failing-light-haiku-by.html
- https://ontheland.blog/2019/01/28/in-memory-of-rachel-sutcliffe-1977-2019/
- http://www.hsa-haiku.org/frogpond/backissues/36-3-Frogpond-Autumn-2013.pdf
Sutcliffe, Rachel
Rachel Sutcliffe
Born 1977 in Harrogate North, Yorkshire, UK
Living in Huddersfield West, Yorkshire, UK
Contact the Poet
Tate, Herb
Herb Tate
Born 1968 at Burton-upon-Tent, Staffordshire, UKPlace of residence: Jersey, Channel Islands, UKHerb Tate was born in the UK and is a teacher living and working in Jersey, one of the Channel Islands. He also writes poetry - particularly haiku, senryu, and haibun – and has had work featured in a number of print and on-line journals. -
Watson, Roger
Roger Watson
Born: 1955 in Aberdeen, UK
Living: Kingston-upon-Hull, UK
Roger Watson is a biologist, nurse and academic editor working at the University of Hull, UK. He was born and raised in Scotland and has lived in many parts of the UK and Ireland. He travels extensively in China and the Far East. He is married with eight children.
Haiku blog: https://haikuflyku.blogspot.co.uk/
Roger Watson Reading Several Of His Haiku
Windsor, Sheila
Sheila Windsor
Born in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, U.K.
Living in Bexhill, East Sussex, U.K.
Contact the poet
Listen to the poet reading her haiku -
Winnick, Katherine E.
Katherine E Winnick
Born 1968
Based in Brighton, UK
Website : linktr.ee/katherineewinnick
Katherine is an internationally published Japanese short form poet in various ezines journals newspapers and anthologies of repute with some works translated into Hindi and Romanian. She has authored the senryū collection My Hennaed Hand (Alien Buddha Press 2023). Katherine is on the editorial board at The Wee Sparrow Poetry Press and is Founding Editor of The Shadow Pond Journal.
Winteridge, Sara
Sara Winteridge
Living in Fordingbridge, Hampshire, U.K.